Contribute Introduction

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 17 Nov 2009 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Location:89 Durham Center
Cost:$25 faculty/staff; no charge for students.
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Contribute allows a group of people who are not web designers to alter content on a website. This class will introduce the basic concepts of setting up Contribute for a standard Dreamweaver website and how to use Contribute to make web page changes. Online registration at

Each person can be assigned a page or portion of a website for which they can alter the contents. Contribute allows the user to change the current contents of a web page and then upload the new page to the site. It allows a group of people to collaborate in order to keep a website updated and useful. Some background in Dreamweaver or website design would be very helpful for this class.