Is It Time for a Change? Fundamentals in the 2012 Presidential Election

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 24 Oct 2012 at 8:00 pm
Location:Great Hall, Memorial Union
Channel:Lecture Series
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James Campbell is one of the nation's foremost experts in election modeling. He is a University at Buffalo, SUNY, Distinguished Professor of Political Science.

James Campbell developed a Seats-in-Trouble forecasting model for House elections that was highly accurate in the 2010 midterm elections. He also developed the Trial Heat and Economy forecasting model for presidential elections in 1990. Campbell's most recent book is "The American Campaign: U.S. Presidential Campaigns and the National Vote," second edition. He is also the author of "Cheap Seats: The Democratic Party's Advantage in U.S. House Elections" and "The Presidential Pulse of Congressional Elections."