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Tuesday, 20 Feb 2018

Workshop: Assignments and Gradebook in Canvas

Feb 20, 2018

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

116 Durham

Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

Assignments are a backbone of the course's Gradebook in Canvas. Participants will learn to create and manage Assignments and Assignment Groups as well as explore how the Gradebook is connected to the organization of Assignments. Participants will experience the power of SpeedGrader for efficient and effective grading.

Award-Winning Faculty Series: Implementing Project-Based Learning

Feb 20, 2018

12:10 PM - 1:00 PM

2030 Morrill Hall or view on your own via zoom


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

"Implementing Project-Based Learning in Any Classroom: Lessons from Studio." Morrill Professor Thomas Leslie, Architecture, presents tips and tricks for the project-based learning his discipline has used for 150 years. Learn how to coach students synchronizing diverse skills and help them take responsibility for meeting learning milestones.

Workshop: Sponsor-Specific Proposal Development

Feb 20, 2018

3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Gold Room, Memorial Union


Research Training, development

In this session you will learn about the recent changes to the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG), along with National Science Foundation (NSF) specific requirements for proposal development.