Wednesday, 01 Aug 2018
Build Your Canvas Course - Assignments and Quizzes
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore assignment and assessment options in Canvas.
Thursday, 02 Aug 2018
Build Your Canvas Course - Grading and Student Data in Canvas
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore the Gradebook and discover student data available in a Canvas course.
IRB Manager End User Training
Attendees will learn how to navigate the electronic IRB records system and how to submit IRB protocols for review.
Monday, 06 Aug 2018
Canvas Workshop: Group Work and Collaboration
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore options for group work and collaboration in Canvas.
Tuesday, 07 Aug 2018
Mental health crisis training (RESPOND)
An 8-hour training for ISU faculty, staff and administrators who wish to learn more about how to RESPOND to students or colleagues who are in distress. Register online.
Online event, An Immersive Approach to Rapid Blended Course Design Using QM (Quality Matters Webinar)
Join design specialists as they share how a simple visualization strategy, using seven basic office supplies, and QM as a guide helped them rapidly achieve consistency, clarity, and alignment in their blended course design. They will also reveal how their design process demonstrates a commitment to accessibility and usability. They will share their blended course design strategy and helpful tips and tricks so you too can achieve similar results.
Wednesday, 08 Aug 2018
Online event, Faculty Advising: What You Need to Know and How to Do It Well (CIRTL)
Given that learning is a social process, relationships--especially those with faculty--are powerful tools that aid in students' personal and professional development (Baker & Griffin, 2010). Advising students is a key role that many faculty play in addition to engaging students in the classroom or mentoring them in research settings. This workshop is designed to help future and current faculty learn how to advise effectively.
Canvas Workshop: Rubrics and Outcomes
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore rubrics and outcomes and how they come together in Canvas.
Thursday, 09 Aug 2018
Canvas Workshop: Personalized Learning and Mastery Plans
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore how a personalized learning and mastery path can enhance your course in Canvas.
Tuesday, 14 Aug 2018
Conference: CELT Teaching Symposium
A half-day program encompassing best teaching practices and student support resources available at Iowa State. New faculty, staff with a teaching role and graduate teaching assistants will learn from Iowa State's educators about how to prepare for a successful first semester of teaching, and explore CELT's services, resources, and professional development opportunities.
Tuesday, 21 Aug 2018
Research workshop: The IRB Submission Process
As part of this presentation, participants will learn tips on developing and submitting protocols to the IRB. A member of the IRB staff will walk through key sections of the non-exempt IRB application and explain what the IRB looks for during the review process. While the new protocol software system, IRBManager, will be discussed, this training will focus on the development of content for protocols, not the electronic system.
Thursday, 23 Aug 2018
Research workshop: IACUC and IBC Protocols Using the a-tune System
The Office for Responsible Research, Office of the Attending Veterinarian and Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR) are offering software training for researchers who submit IACUC or IBC protocols. Participants will learn how to navigate the new electronic protocol submission system, a-tune. Training topics will include creating and submitting a protocol, and, for animal users of LAR, how to order animals and manage animal records.
Monday, 27 Aug 2018
I-Corps informational session
This I-Corps informational session is for the colleges of Engineering, Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Wednesday, 29 Aug 2018
Becoming an Author in 'The Conversation' - Open Session
"The Conversation" is an independent news and commentary website with expertise from academics, edited by journalists. As of Aug. 15, Iowa State University will become an official member. We want to encourage our researchers and scholars to communicate their expertise to the public, and this platform offers a unique opportunity to do so.
I-Corps informational session
This I-Corps informational session is for the colleges of Business, Design, Human Sciences, Veterinary Medicine and the Graduate College.
Becoming an Author in 'The Conversation' - Open Session
"The Conversation" is an independent news and commentary website with expertise from academics, edited by journalists. As of Aug. 15, Iowa State University will become an official member. We want to encourage our researchers and scholars to communicate their expertise to the public, and this platform offers a unique opportunity to do so.
Becoming an Author in 'The Conversation' - LAS Session
"The Conversation" is an independent news and commentary website with expertise from academics, edited by journalists. As of Aug. 15, Iowa State University will become an official member. We want to encourage our researchers and scholars to communicate their expertise to the public, and this platform offers a unique opportunity to do so.
Thursday, 30 Aug 2018
Becoming an Author in 'The Conversation' - Engineering Session
"The Conversation" is an independent news and commentary website with expertise from academics, edited by journalists. As of Aug. 15, Iowa State University will become an official member. We want to encourage our researchers and scholars to communicate their expertise to the public, and this platform offers a unique opportunity to do so.
Becoming an Author in 'The Conversation' - CHS Session
"The Conversation" is an independent news and commentary website with expertise from academics, edited by journalists. As of Aug. 15, Iowa State University will become an official member. We want to encourage our researchers and scholars to communicate their expertise to the public, and this platform offers a unique opportunity to do so.