Light Painting Photography Class

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 06 Oct 2015 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location:Reiman Gardens
Channel:Reiman Gardens
Categories:Arts, performances
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
4 week course on Tuesdays, October 6, 13, 20, and 27. Emphasis will be on proper technique, the right tools and learning how to identify and capture the best subjects.

Learn how to "paint" with various light sources and capture the images in your camera. Join Mark Stoltenberg for a 4-week class exploring this unique photographic technique that dates back to 1889. Emphasis will be on proper technique, the right tools and learning how to identify and capture the best subjects.

Please bring the following to each class: a flashlight, fresh batteries, cable release for your DSLR camera, a sturdy tripod and an external camera flash (optional). Beginner Photography is the prerequisite for this class.

Preregistration with prepayment is required by Friday, October 2. $68 for members & $85 for general public. ISU students pay 15% off member price