Wednesday, 14 Nov 2018
Research workshop: Working in USDA's ezFedGrants System
In this session you'll get detailed instructions on how to navigate the USDA ezFedGrants system, which is currently used by APHIS, Foreign Agricultural Service, and will soon be used by NRCS and other USDA agencies. You'll learn how to obtain system access, prepare and submit applications, and manage progress reporting, and you'll leave with some practical tools and guidance that will help you work with the system.
Putting Your Research on the Map with ArcGIS Story Maps
In this workshop you will learn how to create interactive map-based exhibits using ArcGIS Story Maps from GIS software giant ESRI. Story Maps is an open source online exhibit creation tool created by and based around the ESRI ArcGIS platform. Let us know if you need accommodation. Preregistration required at Learn@ISU.
Build Your Canvas Course - Assignments and Quizzes
This one and a half hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore assignment and assessment options in Canvas.